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Thought of the Day : “Arise Awake & Do Not Stop Till The Goal Is Achieved.”

Assembly Activities

Morning Assembly:

Morning Assembly, a formal gathering of heterogeneous class is intended as mini scale of activities throughout day leading for concentration, dedication, acquiring knowledge & information, creativity, alertness, raising self-confidence of students to face the audience. The House Masters/Mistresses and Associate House Masters/Mistresses will ensure that a proper training and rehearsal in modulation of words and sentences to be spoken in the morning assembly are prepared and presented properly. A moral talk is presented by MOD of the day everyday to inculcate values among the students. Even a speech by one student of class XI on rotation basis is included to enhance the communication skill. A book’s review can be organized once in a week so as to enhance language skill.


*List of activities to be done between Prayer and National Anthem during Morning Assembly:



Thought for the day

Short Speech/ Recitation on a particular topic

Top news of the day/ Importance of the day

Short Quiz ( On any subject or topic )


Participant from

Bramhaputra Junior Boys

Bramhaputra Junior Girls

Bramhaputra Senior Boys

Bramhaputra Senior Girls

Guide / Mentor

Gurvinder Sir Amit Sir

Khusboo Ma'am Laxmi Ma'am

Saurabh Sir Rakesh Sir

Kiran Bala Ma'am Avinash Sir


Participant from

Ganga Junior Boys

Ganga Junior Girls

Ganga Senior Boys

Ganga Senior Girls

Guide / Mentor

Radharaman Sir Sumit Sir

C. Prabha Ma'am Ajay Pandey Sir

Lokesh Sir B. L. Patel Sir

Amar Sir Pal Sir


Participant from

Godawari Junior Boys

Godawari Junior Girls

Godawari Senior Boys

Godawari Senior Girls

Guide / Mentor

Vivek Sir Vinay Pandey Sir

Deep Shikha Ma'am Rakesh Sir

Sumit Sir Avinash Sir

Anil Sir Brijesh Sir


Participant from

Tapi Junior Boys

Tapi Junior Girls

Tapi Senior Boys

Tapi Senior Girls

Guide / Mentor

Vikas Sir Lokesh Sir

Shivangi Ma'am Kiran Bala Ma'am

Vinay Pandey Sir U.M.Tripathi Sir

Laxmi Ma'am Preeti Ma'am


Participant from

Bramhaputra Junior Boys

Ganga Junior Boys

Godawari Junior Boys

Tapi Junior Boys

Guide / Mentor

Gurvinder Sir Jitender Sir

Radharaman Sir Ajay Pandey Sir

Vivek Sir Tarun Sir

Vikas Sir D.V.Sir


Participant from

Bramhaputra Junior Girls

Ganga Junior Girls

Godawari Junior Girls

Tapi Junior Girls

Guide / Mentor

Khusboo Ma'am Saurabh Sir

C. Prabha Ma'am Anil Sir

Deep Shikha Ma'am Amit Sir

Shivangi Ma'am Rakesh Sir